Been in Perth for the last four days, and had such a great time meeting up with old and new friends alike.
I lived here many years ago, and also went to school locally for a while. It’s a beautiful city; and it’s certainly grown over the years. The picture above gives a different view of the Perth skyline. I took this shot on an early morning walk from near the old Burswood Casino on the Swan River.
However, with mining on the decline at the moment, the local economy is feeling the brunt. In particular, house prices (and demand) have dropped over the past year.
Reflection 1
It’s Chinese New Year tomorrow – February 8. Year of the Monkey!
(And believe it or not, I’m a monkey!)
To my Chinese friends I say:
恭喜发财 / 恭喜發財 (Gōngxǐ fācái)
‘Happiness and prosperity!’
- In Mandarin: /gong-sshee faa-tseye/
- In Cantonese: Kunghei fatchoy /gong-hey faa-chwhy/
Reflection 2
Having chatted about all things domains with my good friend Ed Keay-Smith yesterday, I mentioned to him an article years ago that further inspired me on my domaining path.
It was a story in the Fairfax Media from 2008 by Asher Moses on the “Domain King” Rick Schwarz.
Have a read of “Domain King’s Rivers Of Gold”. Even if you’ve read it before, it’s worth reading again.
As a funny footnote, Ed had forgotten that he was interviewed for the story (as had I forgotten)!
As always, I welcome your comments and thoughts.
Best wishes for your online success.
Hey Ned
Great catching up with you mate.
Yes the property market in Perth is definitely on a downward slope without the mining boom to artificially inflate it.
The Domain Rivers of Gold article was definitely a distant memory as I had only been running OzDomainer for a few months at that stage when I got the call from The Sydney Morning Herald. Seems a long time ago now.
Safe and pleasant journey back home mate.
We’re getting old Ed!
Just got home to FNQ. Speak soon.
Thanks for reminder about that article. I remember another one even before that. Have you seen this one?
Scott – that is a good article too. I think I’ve seen it before – but always good to read those sorts of things again.
Hey Scott
That is a great article, I remember it well.
I interviewed the author of the article, Paul Sloan. If you want to have a listen here is the link.
You’re lucky you got out as it’s 40 degrees every day this week here in lovely sunny Perth!
Thanks for both the articles, will give them a read later on today.
Great and unique photo too Neddy!