After many years of trying to get .au Accredited, we decided that it was just easier and faster to just rebrand an existing registrar accreditation, where Pty Ltd name has been changed to Pty Ltd instead.
auDA have made it next to impossible to get accredited, even for existing accredited Registrars. We wrote about this issue in April 2022 Why does it take so long to become .au Accredited by auDA? and well after 8 years definitely time to give up and use a different strategy to achieve clarity for Australian domain investors using for the .au domain name registrations and renewals. Instead of seeing as their registrar of record under domain whois, they will now see: Pty Ltd.
I probably should ask auDA for a refund of our two application fees paid. But I seriously doubt that they will refund anything. it is a real pity that auDA seems to have an internal preference for the bigger and especially Overseas registrars and not so much a registrar that has a core group of clients that are domain investors. Why are they so against investing in domains? Do they not realise that without a strong and healthy domain marketplace and aftermarketplace, it seriously undermines the entire name space? Maybe all the noise from the few domainers in the past have set them against them and us by extension.
Well time to move one and I suppose one benefit is that we save on the yearly $3,300 auDA registrar fee and all the ISO compliance requirements needed to run one more registrar.
Yexa Rebrands to Above